Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Maybe conditions in your country have seriously deteriorated since arriving in the U.S., and it is no longer safe to return.  For instance, a natural disaster, civil war, or political turmoil.  The U.S. government regularly grants special permission for nationals of designated countries to stay in the U.S. temporarily until conditions improve.  Sometimes this Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is extended for years.  Countries that have been designated in the past include Burma (Myanmar), El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen and more.  Those granted TPS are protected from deportation and eligible for work authorization and travel permits.  TPS is not currently a path to U.S. residency or citizenship.

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED)

DED functions a lot like TPS.  It is a form of protection—granted by the U.S. President—for nationals of specific countries who may face dangerous conditions upon return to their country of origin.  DED is not a “status” like TPS or permanent residency, and it provides different temporary benefits per the specific Presidential mandate.  Generally, DED protects against deportation and allows for U.S. work authorization.  It may allow for travel authorization or other relief from U.S. immigration rules.  DED is not a path to U.S. residency or citizenship.

Explore other ways we can help

Abuse Victims (VAWA)

Advance Parole and Reentry Permits


Crime Victims (T/U Visas)

Cultural Exchange (J/Q Visa)

DACA and Deferred Action

Extension of Stay/Change of Status

Federal Litigation

Fiancé(e) Visas